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It could increase the mercury levels in your blood
Dental surface restorations composed of dental amalgam, a mixture of mercury, silver, tin and other metals, significantly contribute to prolonged mercury levels in the body, according to new research from the University of Georgia’s department of environmental health science in the College of Public Health. This research, which analyzed data from nearly 15,000 individuals, is […]
In recent years there has been increasing medical interest in correcting teeth that do not touch perfectly in order to prevent problems such as jaw pain, gaps between teeth and crowding. Now, a new study carried out by Spanish researchers has concluded that dental occlusion is also related to the control of posture and balance. […]
Why good Dental hygiene is Important
With one in two Australian children reported to have tooth decay in their permanent teeth by age 12, researchers from the University of Sydney believe they have identified some nanoscale elements that govern the behaviour of our teeth. Material and structures engineers worked with dentists and bioengineers to map the exact composition and structure of […]
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